
When CSS styles don't seem to work - the <a> element

Oct 30, 2019

CSS classes can be really powerful when utilised well - however I came across this problem when trying to put together this blog - let’s say I have the following link I want to share so I wrap it appropriately:

<a href="">Awesome Link</a>

Out of the box the browser is going to want to underline the text when I hover or click on this item, but for my particular style here I don’t want that to happen (it’s going to be part of a bigger box of content which will entirely be clickable anyway). I don’t want to style all of my links this way though so I’ll be good and wrap this whole thing in a class and then style that particular class like so:

<div class="awesome-link"><a href="">Awesome Link</a></div>
.awesome-link {
  text-decoration: none;

Except… this doesn’t seem to work. The text still highlights when we hover over it even though we’ve told the class it sits in not to. Well… not quite…

So the style is being applied to the div - however when inspecting the anchor tag I noticed that a more specific style was being applied by one of the bootstrap files I had imported:

.a {
  text-decoration:  underline !default;

Because this was more specific to the anchor tag than my class - which was being applied to the div tag it was wrapped in - my class was not being applied. In order to sort this I had to make sure my class specifically targeted the anchor tag inside my div:

.awesome-link a{
  text-decoration: none;

This sorted it right out. Happy styling!