
Deploying an Alpas App to Heroku

Jun 15, 2020

Alpas is an awesome web framework dedicated to the Kotlin language. It feels more like Ruby on Rails or Django and offers more productivity for those not familiar with the Java ecosystem. Let’s get an Alpas app deployed to Heroku!

For this, you'll need the following:

Step One - Preparing Your Alpas App

Adding Additional Files

Heroku reads from a special Procfile to run your application which should be in the root of your project. This file should contain the command to execute the project’s jar file:


web:  java -jar ./myApp.jar

Additionally, you need a file which will specify for Heroku the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that is required to run the project:


Heroku randomly assigns a port in its environment for you to serve your app from. This is available from the system environment variable “PORT” but you won’t know what it is until runtime, so we can’t store it as a concrete environment variable. Instead, the following allows you to read what the port number is when running and allow your app to be served up there, defaulting to 8080 in your local environment:


package com.example.myApp.configs

import dev.alpas.AppConfig
import dev.alpas.Environment

class PortConfig(env: Environment) : AppConfig(env) {
    override val appPort = env("PORT", 8080)

Altering Existing Files

We need to ensure that we are using Alpas version >=0.16.3 since this allows us to explicitly set the APP_HOST variable (required later). Check the following and update accordingly in your build.gradle file:


ext.alpas_version = '0.16.3'

Alpas needs a .env file in the production environment to run migration scripts amongst other processes. As per the Alpas docs you shouldn’t commit one, so we’ll create an empty one in our route directory if it doesn’t exist whenever the main app function is invoked:


package com.example.myApp

import dev.alpas.Alpas

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val file = File(".env")
    if (!file.exists()) {
    return Alpas(args).routes { addRoutes() }.ignite()

Finally - go ahead and rebuild your project:

./alpas jar

Step Two - Preparing Your Heroku Environment

Configuring the Environment

You’re now ready to set up your Heroku environment:

heroku create

This will create an app in your account and set it as a remote for this project. Logging into your account via the browser navigate to the App > Settings section and click on Reveal Config Vars.

You will now be able to add in all the contents of your .env file. Note, you can also do this via the command line with heroku config:set {KEY}=”{VALUE}”. Some additional important variables to add:

  • APP_HOST = This binds your app to run on rather than localhost ( which is essential for Heroku. Remember, you need to be using Alpas 0.16.3 or greater to get this to work.
  • GRADLE_TASK = shadowJar This tells Heroku how to build your gradle project.

Some variables will need to be altered/removed compared to your .env file:

  • Any of the DB configs - we will add these once we have provisioned a Heroku database
  • APP_PORT - this should not be added as we're dynamically deriving this from our PortConfig.kt file
  • APP_LEVEL = prod this will put your app into production mode

Setting up MySQL

On the Heroku web dashboard navigate to Resources and search for mysql. Heroku supports a number of MYSQL database providers, I’ve used JawsDB successfully so feel free to use that but any should work fine. Once installed click on the add-on in Heroku, this will take you to its dashboard page which has some important information:

  • The host url
  • The username - note this will most likely not be root and be automatically provisioned
  • The password
  • The database name - if you’re using JawsDB on the free tier it will automatically create one for you, you cannot create additional dbs without upgrading to a paid plan
  • The port number

Add these to your Heroku Settings > Config Vars with the following keys:

  • DB_HOST = {The host URL}
  • DB_CONNECTION = mysql
  • DB_DATABASE = {The database name}
  • DB_PORT = {The port}
  • DB_USERNAME = {The username}
  • DB_PASSWORD = {The password}

Step Three - Deploying and Running Migrations

You are now ready to deploy to Heroku! Make sure you have a compiled jar file in your project root:

./alpas jar

Then git push heroku master - Heroku will then detect that it needs to install the right JDK version (as per our file) and build a gradle project as per the shadowJar value we gave it earlier. This should be up and running at your designated Heroku url.

Navigating to this should give us a 500 error (but the nice shiny one from Alpas) - time to run a migration!

In order to successfully migrate on Heroku, you need to temporarily bring down your app as there is not enough RAM on the dyno to both serve the app and run the migration:

heroku ps:scale web=0

Then run the migration on Heroku:

heroku run ./alpas db:migrate

Once that has successfully executed you can then bring back up the app

heroku ps:scale web=1

Refreshing your browser should bring up your home page and you are up and running in Heroku!

Subsequent Deployments

Having successfully deployed to Heroku, future deployments follow three simple steps:

  1. Recompile the project and commit your changes ./alpas jar
  2. Run git push heroku master to deploy to Heroku
  3. If any migrations are required, follow the migration steps above

Problems with Running Migrations?

The Heroku free tier may have memory limit issues when running migrations - follow on to this article for help.